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Hi! My name is Abdullah and I'm 16 years old.


My siblings (Aalaa and Ayla) and I are the Youngest Canadian Radio Show Hosts. We also claim to be the youngest siblings to make a video game. We are the youngest siblings to appear in front of Dragons' Den producers.  I am also the co-founder of our small business, Aalaa Conseil, which aims to help the community, especially the kids, and banish the hate which is ever-increasing.


I do Muay Thai, web designing, writing, activism, acting, singing, and playing guitar.


I support my teachers and I am a big believer in the power of education. 


For more information, go to


I wrote Pamper League vs. The Diabolical Diapers and Diabolical Diaper vs. The Space Force: but we have other books and we have written them together.


I know what you're thinking, my sister and my story is the same, well it is! We are a close knit family!

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